Acts 29

Yes I know there isn't one, it finishes with 28... But reading through Acts you can't help but notice the abruptness with which it end - you are left high and dry, you want to know what happens next. And there's the point, it's not supposed to end, the story continues right down to today, … Continue reading Acts 29

The Continuing Ministry of Jesus

Reading the Acts of the Apostles one is gripped by its unfolding drama. The way Luke starts it off is enough to make you sit up and take notice - "in the first book (Luke's Gospel) Theophilus, I dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when he was taken … Continue reading The Continuing Ministry of Jesus

Hearing the Prophetic

In the last blog I wrote about being open to the prophetic and it's importance, something vital to every Church and every Christian. In this blog I want to raise the challenge as to how we can hear the prophetic. Having grown up in a cessationist church with no expectation of hearing God except through … Continue reading Hearing the Prophetic