Pentecost – the day the Spirit came in power

What a day! A day that would change 120 individuals, impact thousands, and go on to empower a movement that would impact the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ, transforming lives and communities right down to this day. The Spirit had been promised generations before, an outpouring such as the world had never … Continue reading Pentecost – the day the Spirit came in power

A Spirit led People and Church

Sometimes we are too familiar with the Bible, we read it, we know what's coming. And because we do we content ourselves with the surface story and fail to notice what's going on underneath. Acts is just such a book. We are used to Pentecost and the various outpourings of the Spirit, to Peter and … Continue reading A Spirit led People and Church

Desiring the Gifts of the Spirit

Being a Christian and doing Church is meant to be supernatural - it's about a Spirit led and empowered life, a community of believers listening to and moving in the Spirit. It's not a club, it's not a business, and it doesn't operate the way they do, neither should it. In fact doing things the … Continue reading Desiring the Gifts of the Spirit

Speaking in Tongues Today

A Controversial Gift As exhibited in the recent Strange Fire Conference in the United States, the subject of speaking in tongues is probably one of the most controversial of Christian subjects and elicits all sorts of reactions, from the genuine and beneficial, to gibberish and unhelpful, all the way through to being demonic and dangerous, … Continue reading Speaking in Tongues Today

Strange Fire and Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in tongues is a big issue for John MacArthur and Co. and it was also for the apostle Paul, except that their take on it is completely different. Part of MacArthur's problem, a major part, is one of hermeneutic, how you interpret the Scriptures. MacArthur works within a moderate dispensational framework, a framework which … Continue reading Strange Fire and Speaking in Tongues