Resurrection impact

The resurrection of Jesus was real, powerful and life changing, you only have to look at his followers! They were a strange bunch, much like you and I. They followed him, served alongside him, they doubted him, they denied him and deserted him, and then.... then they encountered him, not a ghost, not a figment … Continue reading Resurrection impact

Don’t underestimate the importance of the Incarnation

As we approach and go through Christmas (and it's right that we should give it time and truly celebrate), there is the very real danger that we get so used to the story, get so caught up in the tinsel and trimmings and become so familiar with the music and the message, that it passes … Continue reading Don’t underestimate the importance of the Incarnation

Love came down at Christmas

Christmas is about love - but what kind of love? Love as the popular song says, "Makes the world go round and around...." and the Beatles sang "all you need is love." But what is this love that we need, this love that makes the world go round and around? Christina Rossetti's carol says, "Love … Continue reading Love came down at Christmas

Essential Goodness or Total Depravity?

Sin, not a word or a subject we are comfortable with - we'd rather talk about love and grace. We'd rather be affirmed than convicted. Patted on the backed rather than challenged and corrected. Following my last post re Steve Chalke's article in Christianity calling for a new understanding among Christians with regard to homosexual … Continue reading Essential Goodness or Total Depravity?