No Crying He Makes – Really?

In the familiar carol Away in a Manger, there is a line in the second verse that says, "no crying he makes." This seems to suggest that baby Jesus just doesn't cry, cannot cry. In other words right from the earliest of days, he really wasn't quite like us, he doesn't feel like us, he … Continue reading No Crying He Makes – Really?

God Invades Humanity

The Christmas story is staggering in all respects, a virgin, angels, a star... but the most staggering aspect must be that God invades the realm which he had created and takes on the dirt of the earth that he had taken and fashioned and given his own breath to - flesh! God himself becomes a … Continue reading God Invades Humanity

A Forgotten Yet Essential Truth

When was the last time you heard a message about the ascension (if you've ever heard one)? What does the ascension mean to you? Most of us are familiar with the birth of Christ, his life, death and resurrection, and the giving of the Spirit at Pentecost, but when it comes to the ascension that's … Continue reading A Forgotten Yet Essential Truth

The Passion of Christ

Passion Week This week we are in the run up to Easter and the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and what a story! The story we have to tell is not a stand alone story, but one that is part of a much larger story that finds it's origins in the heart … Continue reading The Passion of Christ

Christmas Reflection

At Christmas we reflect on what God had to do to bring about our salvation - something so radical we would never have thought of it, and so radical that we have a job to get our heads around it - become human! As the writer to the Hebrews puts it, Jesus had to be … Continue reading Christmas Reflection